MyYogaMentor                Relaxation
Yoga and Stress
Stress is the inner tension and anxiety felt by people in response to the pressures of everyday life.
Stress touches everyone’s life, at different moments and in varying degrees.  From birth, we are barraged with stimuli.  The body and the mind react and respond to these stimuli by triggering coping mechanisms, which can then, in turn, create more tension and stress.
Each person displays the effects of stress in different ways.  The grinding of teeth, aching neck muscles and even digestive difficulties can all be a result of excessive stress.  But stress not only affects the physical body.  It can also cause depression or extreme fatigue, and seriously deplete your energy levels
Quite often, we will experience all of these symptoms at the same time.  The body and the mind are eternally connected.  If the body is feeling tense, the mind will be tired or anxious.  But if we can relax our mind, than our bodies will also feel relief.
Yoga can provide an effective treatment and prevention of stress.  Even one hour of yoga has been proven to lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in our bloodstream.  Remember that yoga is not only asana practice, but also includes breathing regulation, mediation and sense withdrawal.
Asana practice, through stretching and twisting, expels toxins from the muscles.  Through regulating the breath, nourishing oxygen is pumped into the muscles.  And through meditation, and control of the senses, external stimuli can no longer cause stress.  Full yoga practice creates a harmony between body and mind.
Regular practice will not only relieve stress only during the time when you are practicing, but will eventually carry over into all other areas of your life.  With the overall reduction of stress, you will feel increased energy levels, see less stress related symptoms in your life, and be less effected by the external triggers around you.  You will remain calm and at peace regardless of the situation you face.