MyYogaMentor                Chakras
Seven Chakras
After you have familiarized yourself with the following chakra locations and characteristics, and have identified any imbalances or blockages you may have; continue with the Chakra Balancing Meditation.
The Base/Root Chakra Function: Pretty much the foundation system of the body.  The Sanskrit word is "Muladhara:, Seat of Kundalini". This center is our Will-to-live, to survive. IT is our "ground" root though which we gain power, stability, and growth. It's often referred to as linked to the adrenal glands. It represents activity in general such as movement, energy and survival as well as grounding. It also connects with the legs, feet, hips and base of spine...associated with the circulation system and blood. Red is also associated with pain, swelling and inflammation and all heat sensations. On a mental level, red shows assertiveness and self-confidence.
*Enthusiasm and Drive require Red energy. When red energy is suppressed or blocked it can become violent when it finally escapes.
WHEN THIS CHAKRA IS BALANCED, we have physical vitality and strength, We feel connected to nature with a deep understanding of it's rhythms and patterns.

Signs of malfunctioning:  An under active chakra  might display signs of a lack of energy, stamina, feelings of unreality, of not belonging, not being able to cope. Cold, congested conditions, difficulty with physical movement, coordination or circulation problems, inability to sustain energy levels, physical weakness, exhaustion, lacking in drive and enthusiasm, easily drained by company. An excess of Red energy might be displayed as hyperactivity, inflammation, physical tension, inability to relax, anger, fear, mental and emotional confusion, rapid mood swings, impatience, fidgeting, intolerance, violent outbursts.

The Sacral Chakra : associated with the qualities of movement and flow of energy. It's located below the navel and above the pubic bone. Also referred to as the "Spleen","Sacral", "Abdominal". The Sanskrit is "Svadistanna" it is also known as the "Sacred Chakra" and the "Navel" chakra. It is connected to the sensuality of touch and the innocent desire for pleasure; nonjudgmental, spontaneous enjoyment. Associated with the organs within the lower abdomen, especially the large intestine and reproductive organs, and the kidneys.

Signs of malfunctioning: A lack of orange energy: Physical rigidity, restricted feelings, Digestive disorders, lack of focus, lack of vitality, being stuck in the past holding on to memories, impotence, problems with uterus, bladder or kidneys, stiff lower back. Feelings of inadequacy, possessiveness, jealousy and envy, and self regret on all levels. Anti-social behaviors, lustfulness, selfishness and arrogance all stem form an imbalance in this Chakra center. Other emotions such as the need to control violence, thoughtlessness , hatred, despair, of the future, victimization, masochism, sentimentalism, consumerism, (the need for more stuff.)

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Sanskrit "Manipura". Associated with the planet Venus in ancient times and with planet Mars in modern times.

  Motivates us to bring about change. Deals with our use of energy and the ability to transform it from a raw state into usable forms. The solar plexus creates change in ourselves as well as around us. It is an organizing type of control center that gives us the ability and will to mold our lives in a more powerful and effective way. It deals with many different systems of the body, digestion, stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreas, spleen (which also effects our immune system) and also works in proper functioning of the nervous system and the skin. It's located between the navel and the base of the rib cage. Also related with optimism, self-confidence, spontaneity, flexibility, understanding, a sense of humor, joy, and laughter are natural balanced expressions of the solar plexus.

Signs of malfunctioning: Ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, anorexia, nervosa, bulimia, stress related ailments, indigestion, insomnia, panic attacks, headaches, muscle tension, skin irritation, nervous disorders, allergic reactions, arthritis, tension, worry, confusion, auto immune disorders, chronic fatigue. An overactive chakra might show signs of over analytical or fussy behavior, narrow concepts, prejudices, lack of tolerance.

The Heart Chakra: Sanskrit word is: "Anahatha" Located at the center of the chest this is also the midway point of the chakra system with 3 chakras above and 3 chakras below. This chakra is balance, equilibrium, community and  love. Associated with the heart, lungs, diaphragm, arms and hands, respiration, growth, the ability to change and adapt, caring, sharing, relationships with others, gives structure to our existence, routine and discipline, all aspects of personal growth and the ability to discern and travel our own personal road. When this chakra is balanced, there is a sense of calm, clear-sightedness, friendliness and tolerance of others. It is possible to understand the needs of others without feeling our own needs have to be ignored or suppressed. We know where we want to go and we can hold our own ground well.

Signs of malfunctioning: Asthma, high blood pressure, lung disease, heart disease, colds, emotionless, power-seeking. Anything that intrudes into or restricts personal boundaries and equilibrium such as: Invasive illness, abnormal growths, lack of control at any level, sense of claustrophobia, being trapped, unfulfilled, restricted, dominated, a need to be in control or be controlled, becoming possessive or obsessive, constantly seeking reassurance, a lack of self worth and isolation..

The Throat Chakra:  Sanskrit word: "Visshuda".
communication, inner identity, and telepathy. Related to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, the upper chest, neck, throat, mouth, nose and ears. Note: The shoulders, arms and hands can be affected by both the heart and throat chakras. The throat chakra is primarily concerned with communication, and both throat and sacral chakras are associated with creativity.

Signs of malfunctioning: Throat problems, stiff neck, thyroid problems, ear problems, laryngitis, sore throats, tonsillitis (these all suggest difficulties within the lines of communication either at an every day level or sometimes simply the need to become involved in some artistic activity)... creativity blocks, lack of inspiration. Very often these symptoms are a sign something is being held back or not communicated, individuality is being stifled and something needs to be expressed.

Brow Chakra: the Sanskrit word is Ajna.
Clairvoyance, intellect, belief, understanding and analysis of reality. Inward looking rather than expressive like the throat chakra. Affects the eyes and the conscious workings of the brain , main function is to make sense of the raw information received from the "sense organs". It also works with memory and planning. another function is to leave behind the constraints of time and space because it gives us greater insight. This chakra more than the other chakras needs integrated balance and a firm grounded energy .

Signs of malfunctioning: When the brow chakra is stressed, the mind becomes clouded and thought patterns run in chaotic circles, making practical decision making extremely difficult. Intuitive sensitivity may become blocked. Visual defects, nightmares, and headaches are also signs of a malfunctioning brow chakra.

Crown Chakra: in Sanskrit "Sehasara/Sahasrara"...The All is One Center knowingness and Wisdom. A replica of all of the other chakras and the total energy signature of each individual is said to exist within the crown chakra. Here, our unique pattern of consciousness is kept in constant touch with all sorts of information from the outer universe and the subtle dimensions of spiritual energy. This chakra is connected to the whole of creation. As the base chakra connects us firmly and safely to the earth, the crown chakra opens us to the universal energy. In some ways, imbalances in either have similar symptoms. When balanced, the crown chakra increases the ability to understand things in a wider context allowing one to become more intuitive.

Signs of malfunctioning: Depression, alienation, inability to learn. When the crown chakra loses its balance, a shadow is cast over the whole system. There is a feeling that something is not right, although it can be difficult to describe clearly what is wrong. Feelings of alienation and depression, a weight descending that makes you feel listless, exhausted and prone to boredom. The crown chakra directly effects the higher brain. The cerebrum which consists of the 2 hemispheres of the brain is the seat of higher consciousness, a lack of balance between the left and right can cause confusion and coordination difficulties, both physically and mentally