From the MacBook of the Yogini
Bree’s Place
For someone with a vata personality like myself, infusing one’s life with routine is a necessity.  If left unchecked, individuals with vata tendencies will exaggerate their imbalances even further if they nurture their instinctual desires.   By insisting on constant change, excessively multi-tasking, over-exertion or avoiding regular habits, vata imbalances will manifest in a variety of physical, mental & emotional disturbances, such as fatigue, anxiety or the inability to relax.   More on Dosha Imbalances HERE.
If any type of life balance is expected to be achieved, those flighty and impulsive vata tendencies must be countered by dull monotony.  But although bland foods, rigid routines and suppression of impulses will tame the raging vata beast,  a dark cloud of ennui will also manifest in tandem.  
This plight, my friends, is where my life currently finds itself.  Too much same old, same old..... not enough stimulation.
So, after many, MANY months of succumbing to the self-inflicting tyrant, who demands strict conformity to life’s mandatory routines, this vata is buying liberation.   We are finally taking the opportunity to escape the tedium and exhaustion of our every day lives.  Yes, we are going on vacation.
A full week of spontaneous, unregulated self-indulgence and irresponsibility.  
So, how does a vata, who is breaking free from self imposed restraints and order, accept and transcend potential chaos?  How do we ensure our actions will not counteract the diligent efforts of the past year’s self-discipline.
R&R stands for Rest & Relaxation, not Reckless & Rash.  My life is still governed by the underlying principles of yoga.  The Eightfold Path.    Brachmacharya, one of Pantanjali’s five Yamas, suggests moderation in all aspects of life:  actions, thoughts and fun.  This applies in times of vacation as well.  
In this regard, if we choose to embrace the ability to instill balance in the midst of change; we will in fact improve the overall well-being of the vata.   We will energize the bored and tired automaton, and concurrently placate the feral fiend.
So, for this vata, the freedom to change includes a leisurely yoga class, steam & jog first thing in the morning; no cooking or cleaning; and brownies without an ounce of guilt.  Fortunately, with moderation, the morning jogs will take those ounces OFF the thighs.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Escape for the Vata