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My Blog
At the beginning of each year, I review my goals from the previous twelve months, evaluate what was accomplished, and set my sights on the next batch of short term objectives.  For 2009, I missed most of my goals, the two largest being:  a specific reduction in debt (unsuccessful due to the poor economy) and big promotion (also unrealized subject to corporate politics).
This left me dreading the official evaluation and score card.  The review was tabled, usually completed by the end of each December.  I found myself faces with some major soul searching and analysis.  The results?   Instead, this year I decided to take a slightly different approach.  Instead of the usual checklist of important tasks to complete or external material things I have to acquire, I looked deep within to see if there was anything “missing”.
What I came back with was a resounding, “Yes”.  But what was making my life incomplete?  How was I supposed to go about achieving, AND achieving happiness in 2010?  Deep down I knew the goals were not tangible.  No amounts of cruises, money or toys would bring true joy.  
I looked again over my list of goals for 2009.  One that popped out at me was “Get Published”.  And no, blogging on my personal website doesn’t count.  That led me to not, carry over the goal of getting published but it DID lead me again to pick up the pen and put to paper.  
One thing led to another, and in the few short weeks since the first of the year, I’ve made some incredible and incredibly fulfilling discoveries.  
1.  The act of being instead of the act of doing brings true joy.
2.  Creative outlets, in any form, are intregral to ensuring balance and harmony in your life.
3.  Once you find a joy, do it over and over, again and again.
This year, I am blissfully writing again.  And, in fact, the more I write, the better it gets.  Writing allows me to pour my creative juices, unexpressed passions and repressed pains out through the ink.  And, by following my own personal Truth, I’ve already accomplished one “unofficial” goal this year....  I got published!!!  
Fortunately, I have the wonderful (and paid) opportunity to write web content.  Not the most allegorical job, but it’s a step in the right direction, and a good add to the resume.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Creative Outlets